Automatic QR Code Generation with the Help of a Prepared List

Format of List

The list for program KazQR can be created using text editor, Access, Excel program, or another table calculating software similar to Excel.The extension of the list file must be .txt or .csv. The list can be formatted only as ASCII file. Unicode files are not supported at this time.

Access, Excel formatted file saved as CSV (extension .csv):

1. The list can contain numerous amounts of QR code definitions. Every definition is written in one line.

2. The first column contains the full file name for the generated QR code.

3. The second (and following thereafter columns) are the content of QR code. One column is a one line in a QR Code. If your QR Code contains only one line, you need to define only one column.

4. You have to save this Access or Excel file as CSV file with the extension .csv. In CSV files all columns are separated by comma (for example: name,text). If you want to use comma in your QR Text, then you must use quotation marks around the text (for example: "name","text, with comma").

5. You can now use this list in KazQR, and start the generation of defined QR codes.

Text editor formatted text file (extension .txt):

1. The list can contain a lot of QR code definitions. Every definition begins with the separator <new> written in one line.

2. The next line contains the full file name for generated QR code.

3. The next lines are the content of QR code till the next sepatator <new> or till the end of the file.

4. Now the list is ready to be used in KazQR and start the generation of defined QR codes.

Example of List as Text File .txt

Line 11
Line 12
Line 21
Line 31
Line 32
Line 33

Example of Access, Excel List saved as CSV (extension .csv)

c:\output\qr-code-1.jpeg,Line 11,Line 12
c:\output\qr-code-2.jpeg,Line 21
c:\output\qr-code-1.jpeg,Line 31,Line 32,Line 33

Example of alternative Access, Excel List saved as CSV (extension .csv)

"c:\output\qr-code-1.jpeg","Line 11","Line 12"
"c:\output\qr-code-2.jpeg","Line 21, with comma"
"c:\output\qr-code-1.jpeg","Line 31","Line 32","Line 33"


With this list you can generate thousands of QR codes in one run. The text file can be saved and used later for more QR code generation.

Video Clip

Click here to see video clip about KazQR list generation!
